Thursday, May 28, 2009

A better top 10 list

10. Things we all said we would do but never did, (or that we did and sucked) (pong, hr intragroup activities, etc)
9. Matt and Eric never getting anything done. Their meetings: "so, dso" "you mean take out the s and add T, A?" "yeah, ok"
8. Me never getting anything done (to my credit, it only took 2 semesters to get wishlist working)
7. Edwin doing the equivalent of 4 people's work, and then disappearing for 2 weeks to do OS. Then going into hibernation, only to having to wake up to finish OS
6. Telling people during mixers about Aayush "He just... disappeared..." "what?" "we don't know where he is"
5. Talking about DOTA during board meetings so much that they banned it. As well as "epic"
4. Using 213 as an excuse to not do work. "I can't, malloc is due next Friday" *already scoring 98/100 on the tests*
3. Matt's story about recruiting Brittney "I bet you didn't expect..." "yeah..."
2. Finding out that Rajit swears 2x as much as me
1. Going to YII and falling asleep and being bored off my ass. "I saw you fall asleep" "stfu, don't think I didn't see you too?"

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Top 10 DSO memories from 2008-2009

10. Hot air balloon girl from mentoring event
9. Sunday night meetings aka Yahoo ordering us food
8. The cussing fund
7. Rajit's multiple choice interviews
6. Susans clutch designs
5. The number of times our goal was to finish the Wishlist
4. Linda being part of DSO/Linda fliering
3. Anthony's Taco bell runs
2. Hiring Larry and Matt (I have no clue why I am ranking this 2)
1. Finding out Edwin outsources personal work to India/ lived in the library for a semester/ failed school because of DSO/ other Edwinisms

Monday, May 25, 2009


BLOG ABOUT ANYTHING! One of the biggest things we found on the 360 reviews was that we don't know a lot about each other. Share some fun stories, DSO struggles, or anything that is on the top of your mind. First five people to write blogs that Rajit and I find blogworthy get a dollar!
